The use of technology, artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning in the health sector is growing rapidly. Still in its infancy, groundbreaking tech is giving clinicians faster and more accurate diagnosis, and far earlier alerts to potential risks.
Our new investigations app, Eva, is now harnessing the actual and potential benefits of technology to revolutionise health-care investigations into serious incidents. Eva is powered by Microsoft and is built on Verita’s unrivalled expertise in health investigations and training.
Eva offers intelligent investigations to improve patient safety with an intuitive, easy-to-use design to save clinicians’ time. Fully integrated with Microsoft’s Office Apps, Eva can be accessed on any device. Patients and families get real-time progress, transparency and contact through an integrated portal, and Eva also has built-in instant help and guidance for investigators.
As Eva develops over the coming months we expect to see more functionality, such as speech to text and integrates Skype interviews. As Microsoft’s machine learning and AI capabilities grow, Eva is ideally placed to support medical and quality teams by intelligently aggregating and theming issues and using data to suggest recommendations from similar cases.
Eva is our first stepinto the world of tech, and we are very excited by the quality of our app, itspotential, and the strength of our partnership. We will provide regular updatesas Eva evolves, but if you would like more information on how Eva can supporthigher-quality investigations, then do please get in touch.